Official Gazette Date: 29.04.2023

Official Gazette Number: 32175





Initial Provisions


ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the objectives, fields of activity, governing bodies, duties and working methods of the governing bodies of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center (DESEM).


ARTICLE 2- (1) This Regulation covers the provisions regarding the objectives, fields of activity, governing bodies, duties of governing bodies and mode of operation of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center (DESEM).


ARTICLE 3- (1) This Regulation has been prepared based on subparagraph (2) of subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 7 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981 and Article 14.


ARTICLE 4 – (1) Definitions of the terms in this Regulation are as follows;

  1. a) Advisory Board: The Advisory Board of the Center.
  2. b) Center (DESEM): Dokuz Eylül University Perpetual Education Center,
  3. d) Director: The Director of the Center
  4. e) Rector: Rector of Dokuz Eylül University,
  5. University: Dokuz Eylül University,
  6. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Center.



Purposes and Fields of Activity of the Center

Purposes of the center

ARTICLE 5- (1) Purpose of the Center:

  1. a) To organize continuous education and development programs other than associate, undergraduate and graduate programs in all areas where the University provides education and research, including face-to-face, online and/or mixed, for participants at different educational levels in order for all segments of the society to take part in the lifelong learning process.
  2. b) To ensure that the University cooperates with public, private sector, national and international organizations within the scope of the provisions of the relevant legislation.
  3. c) To contribute to the training of qualified human resources.

Fields of activity of the Center

ARTICLE 6- (1) Fields of activity of the Center:

  1. a) Within the framework of the lifelong learning approach, to present the scientific knowledge, especially in the fields where the University carries out educational and research activities, face-to-face, online and/or mixed methods for the benefit of all segments of the society, individuals and institutions.
  2. b) To organize programs, seminars, conferences, workshops and similar activities in order to contribute to the training of qualified human resources in accordance with the requirements of the age for the needs of public, private sector, national and international organizations and similar stakeholders.
  3. c) To organize national and international personnel certification and certification trainings within the framework of the provisions of the relevant legislation in accordance with the principles determined by the accreditation and qualifying institutions, to conduct exams, to give documents.
  4. d) To contribute to the establishment and development of University-industry collaborations for the development of vocational and technical education.
  5. d) To cooperate with domestic and international higher education institutions, educational institutions, vocational certification bodies and the like within the scope of the provisions of the relevant legislation and the fields of activity of the Center.
  6. e) To organize programs and similar activities open to general participation in order to provide an environment for self-development and renewal to individuals from all segments of the society.
  7. f) To provide consultancy services by benefiting from the academic and scientific knowledge of the university.
  8. g) To organize scientific, cultural, artistic and social activities that will contribute to the intellectual accumulation and development of the society within the framework of the objectives of the center.
  9. h) To support and coordinate the processes of carrying out all educational activities in line with the goals of the university and the requirements of the relevant units.
  10. i) To plan and carry out activities related to the promotion of the Center.
  11. j) To carry out the necessary studies on other issues to be determined by the Rector within the framework of the objectives of the Center.


Managing Bodies of the Center and Their Duties

Managing bodies of the center

ARTICLE 7 – (1) The managing bodies of the Center ar as follows:

  1. a) Director,
  2. – THE Board
  3. Advisory Board.

General Director and Vice General Directors

ARTICLE 8- (1) The Director is appointed by the Rector from among the University faculty members for three years.

(2) The Director whose term has expired may be reappointed or dismissed by the same procedure before his/her term.

(3) In order to assist the principal in his/her work, a maximum of two persons from among the University faculty members may be appointed as vice principal by the Rector. One of the deputy directors shall act for the Director during the periods when the Director is not in office. Upon the invitation of the director, the deputy directors may attend the meeting of the Board of Directors without the right to vote. When the Director’s duty ends, his deputies shall end too.

Duties of the manager and deputy managers

ARTICLE 9- (1) Duties of the Manager:

  1. a) Represent the Center,
  2. Representing the center, presiding the Managing Board and Advisory Board.
  3. c) To carry out the administrative and financial affairs of the Center.
  4. d) To implement the decisions taken and the work program prepared by the Board of Directors, to supervise the works.
  5. e) At the end of each activity period, to prepare the report containing the activities of the Center and to submit it to the Board of Directors.
  6. f) To ensure cooperation between the Center and all units of the University and external stakeholders.
  7. g) To prepare the annual budget draft of the Center.

(2) The duties of the deputy directors are as follows:

  1. a) To represent the Center when a power of attorney is given, to carry out the secretariat of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the affairs of the Center under the supervision and supervision of the Director.
  2. b) Assisting the Director in the preparation and implementation of the short, medium and long term objectives and strategic plan of the Center.
  3. c) Assisting the Director in the preparation, coordination, management and supervision of programs and activities; in the regulation, execution and supervision of unit activities, in the preparation of the annual activity report.

Board of Directors

ARTICLE 10- (1) The Board of Directors consists of a total of seven members, six members appointed by the Rector and the Director among the University faculty members. The employment period of the Managing Board members is three years. Members whose term of office expires may be reappointed. If a member leaves before his duty term ends, a new member is assigned in the same way to complete the remaining period.

(2) The Board of Directors convenes once a month, with an absolute majority when required by the Director. The Board of Directors takes decisions with the absolute majority of the participating members.

Duties of the Board of Directors

ARTICLE – 11 (1) The Duties of the Board of Directors are as follows:

  1. a) To review the activities of the Center and make decisions on related issues.
  2. b) To determine the working groups and commissions to be established within the Center to work in line with the purposes of the Center.
  3. Determining the principles regarding the preparation of the annual report that the director will draw up at the end of each operating period, assessing the submitted report, and preparing the work schedule for the next period.
  4. d) To determine the conditions for issuing certificates, certificates and similar documents at the end of training programs.
  5. e) Reviewing the budget draft prepared by the Director and submitting it to the Rector.

Duties of the Advisory Board

ARTICLE 12- (1) The Advisory Board consists of at least five and at most fifteen people appointed by the Rector for three years upon the proposal of the Director. University staff who carry out studies in the fields of activity of the Center or who are thought to contribute to the Center with their studies, and representatives of individuals and organizations operating at national and international levels from outside the University can also take part in the Advisory Board if they wish. However, the members of the Board of Directors cannot serve on the Advisory Board at the same time. Members whose term ends may be re-assigned. New members may be appointed to complete the period in place of the members who leave before the period expires.

The Director is the president of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board convenes at least once a year upon the call of the Director with an absolute majority of members and decisions are taken by majority vote. If deemed necessary by the Director, the Advisory Board and the Board of Directors may convene together. The Advisory Board evaluates and makes recommendations regarding the activities of the Center. The Advisory Board may establish advisory commissions related to the fields of activity of the Center such as training, research and implementation.


Miscellaneous and Final Provisions


ARTICLE 13- (1) If deemed necessary by the Director, working groups that will work for a period/indefinitely may be formed with the recommendation of the Director and the decision of the Board of Directors in order to carry out the works more efficiently for one or more service branches. The duties of the working groups, who and how many people they will consist of and how long their term of office will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Need for the Staff

ARTICLE 18 – (1) The academic, technical and administrative personnel needs of the Center shall be met by the personnel to be appointed by the Rector upon the proposal of the Director in accordance with Article 13 of Law No. 2547.

Situations for which there is no applicable provision

ARTICLE 16 – (1) In cases where there is no provision in this Regulation; other relevant legislation provisions and Senate and University Administrative Board decisions are applied.

Annulled Regulation

ARTICLE 16- (1) The Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center (DESEM) Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 5/4/2021 and numbered 31445 has been repealed.


ARTICLE 17 – (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of publication.


ARTICLE 18- (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Rector of Dokuz Eylül University.

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