Objective, Scope, Basis, Definitions and Abbreviations


          ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this directive is to determine the procedures and principles that will regulate the planning, opening, coordination and execution of all kinds of training and certificate programs to be carried out by Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center itself, based on cooperation with the University units or relevant institutions and organizations, as required or requested by public and private sector institutions and organizations, professional chambers, organized industrial zones, non-governmental organizations, international institutions and organizations and real persons of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center.


          ARTICLE 2 – (1) The provisions of this Directive cover the principles related to the training/certificate programs organized by Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center, those who carry out the programs, the documents given at the end of these programs and the participants who enroll in the programs.


          ARTICLE 3 – (1) This instruction has been prepared based on the Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center Regulation and the Higher Education Law No. 2547, which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 05.04.2021 and numbered 31445.

Definitions and Abbreviations

ARTICLE 4- (1) The definitions in this instruction refer to;

a) Advisory Board: Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center Advisory Board,

b) DESEM: Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center,

c) DESEM Coordinator: The person assigned with the coordination of activities within Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center,

d) DESEM Director: Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center Director,

e) DESEM Board of Directors: Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center Board of Directors,

f) Trainer: Persons who provide training in the training program carried out by Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center,

g) Certificate of Participation: The document opened under the coordination of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center and attended by those who meet the attendance requirements by participating in trainings other than the certificate program and those who meet the attendance requirements in the certificate programs but fail in accordance with the success evaluation system,

h) Participant: Persons who have fulfilled their responsibilities and are entitled to participate in activities such as training, certificate program, etc. carried out by Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center,

i) Program: All other training activities (face-to-face, online and/or blended training) opened under the coordination of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center, except for seminars, conferences, etc.

j) Program Coordinator: The person who proposes the program to Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center and provides the necessary coordination for the execution of the program if the Board of Directors of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center decides to open the program,

k) Rector: Rector of Dokuz Eylül University,

Senate: Dokuz Eylül University Senate,

l) Certificate: The document opened under the coordination of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center, which complies with the attendance obligation by participating in certificate programs and is given to the successful participants in accordance with the predicted success evaluation system,

m) Certificate Program: The training program opened under the coordination of Dokuz Eylül University Continuing Education Center, which has a minimum number of program hours, attendance and success conditions and provides documents to those who meet these conditions,

University: Dokuz Eylül University,

n) University Administrative Board: Dokuz Eylül University Administrative Board,



Opening and Executing Training/Certificate Programs

and Principles Regarding Evaluation

          Planning of Training/Certificate Programs

          ARTICLE 5 – (1) IF I SAY so, it plans the training/certificate programs for the expectations and requirements of the target audience in person, taking into account the priorities in the strategic plan of the University.

(2) Training/certificate program suggestions other than the trainings planned by DESEM itself;

a) Directly by university units or lecturers,

b) In cooperation with institutions and organizations of DESEM or University units

c) Upon the requests of real persons other than the university, national and international institutions and organizations from DESEM,

is submitted to the DESEM Directorate in accordance with the conditions in this directive and is taken into account in planning.

(3) When recommending the training/certificate program, the ’DESEM Training/Certificate Program Suggestion Form’ in Annex-1 is used.

(4) Training/certificate program suggestions can be made at any time of the year.

(5) Training/certificate program proposals with time restrictions should be submitted to DESEM Directorate at least 20 (twenty) working days before the planned start date of the program.

(6) The name, type, purpose and content of the program proposed to be opened in the Training/Certificate Program Suggestion Form, the target audience and the conditions to be sought for the admission of the participants, the names of the trainers, the envisaged start and end dates, the duration of the program in hours, the learning environment in which it will be carried out and the technical equipment features to be used, the recommended price, the quota and the minimum number of participants, the evaluation system to be used as a criterion for obtaining certificates from the certificate programs.

(7) In the event that there is a special legislative provision regarding the opening, execution, certification and similar issues of the program, the requestor is obliged to notify this situation to the DESEM Directorate and to present the program IT has created in accordance with the legislation.

          Opening a Training/Certificate Program

          ARTICLE 6 – (1) Within the scope of the fifth article of this directive, the programs planned by DESEM within the framework of the suggestions made to DESEM or in line with the requests are submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors.

(2) Prior to approval, the program proposals are evaluated by the DESEM Directorate, taking into account the relevant academic standards and the goal of ensuring the quality of higher education, and the final form is given by making the necessary changes.

(3) The planned programs shall be put into effect with the approval of the Board of Directors. In the event that similar programs are proposed by different persons and institutions, which program will be opened shall be decided by the Board of Directors, taking into account the characteristics of the program.

(4) In programs to be carried out in cooperation with institutions other than the university, the potential institution for cooperation is required to meet the conditions in the relevant legislation.

          Announcement of Training/Certificate Programs

          ARTICLE 7 – (1) The application conditions, registration and acceptance procedures of the accepted training/certificate programs shall be announced by DESEM.

(2) Programs are promoted by appropriate means.

(3) The learning environment such as classrooms, amphitheaters, workshops, laboratories etc. required for the program planned to be opened is organized by DESEM.

(4) If the minimum number of participants cannot be met in the training/certificate programs announced to be opened by DESEM, the program may be canceled and the place and date of DESEM may be changed by the Board of Directors.

(5) Training/certificate programs that are planned to be opened regularly every year can be collected and published in a catalog by DESEM.

          Selection and Assignment of Trainers in Training/Certificate Programs

          ARTICLE 8  (1) The appointment of trainers in training/certificate programs shall be finalized by the decision of the Board of Directors. If necessary, the trainer may make changes in their assignments.

(2) It is preferred that all of the trainers who will teach in the education/certificate programs are lecturers of Dokuz Eylül University. If there is no expert academic personnel at Dokuz Eylül University for the relevant program or if the existing personnel cannot take part in the program due to workload, etc., or if there is a need for trainers who are experienced in the sector and in the application, experts can be assigned as trainers within the framework of the provisions of the relevant legislation.

(3) Approval is obtained from the affiliated unit for the trainers and other officials, if any, who will take part in the training/certificate programs to be opened.

            Application and Registration to Training/Certificate Programs

          ARTICLE 9 – (1) Pre-registration to the training/certificate programs announced to be opened by DESEM is made through the “Online Application” system on the DESEM access page.

(2) In the online application, the necessary information such as the name of the training/certificate program to which the participant will be enrolled is requested.

(3) The participant makes the payment by signing the “Program Registration Agreement”.

(4) Participants who want to be included in the training/certificate programs individually must apply to DESEM by filling out the “Program Registration Agreement” together with the document indicating that they have fulfilled the minimum requirements of the program and made payments, if any.

          Obligation to Attend Training/Certificate Programs

          ARTICLE 10 – (1) Participants who do not meet the attendance conditions of the training/certificate program are not given a participation certificate or certificate. However, the financial responsibilities of these participants regarding the relevant training program continue.

(2) The attendance conditions THAT the participants have to comply with in the programs carried out by DESEM are given below.

– Attendance at the rate of 70% is mandatory in order to receive a certificate of participation or certificate at the end of the training/certificate program.

– Attendance status of each course is monitored by the trainer with attendance charts. The trainer delivers the schedule showing the attendance status of the participants to the relevant program coordinator.

– In the event that the attendance rate cannot be completed due to long-term illness, accident, death of one of the family members, the petition and document (s) of the participant shall be evaluated and decided by the Board of Directors.

– Without prejudice to the financial responsibilities of the participant who does not continue the training/certificate program in the above-mentioned ways, he/she is dismissed from the program and no document is given to him/her.

          Evaluation of Success in Training/Certificate Programs

          ARTICLE 11 – (1) Evaluation of success in certificate programs can be carried out through different types of measurement tools. According to the type and purpose of the program, the application of the exam is decided by the Board of Directors in line with the recommendation of the trainer.

(2)These exams shalll be scored out of hundred full points. In order for the participant to be considered successful, the success score must be at least 70 points out of 100 full points.

(3) Depending on the nature of the program, participants may be tested and/or given project assignments, etc.

(4) Upon the recommendation of the unit proposing the program or the trainer, the type, number, form and success grade of the success evaluation deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors shall be announced to the participants before the training starts. If necessary, preliminary level determination and/or preliminary test can be performed before the start of the training program.

(5) Participants who do not meet the attendance conditions are not taken into consideration.

(6) The trainers submit the success evaluation results to DESEM within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of evaluation and the announcement of the grades is made by DESEM.

(7) Participants of the certificate program may object to the exam results in writing to the DEMEM Directorate within 5 (five) working days from the announcement day of the success evaluation results. The objection is examined by the relevant trainer and program coordinator (s) and the result is decided by the Board of Directors within 10 (ten) working days at the latest from the date of objection and notified to the relevant person.

          Execution of Training/Certificate Program

          ARTICLE 12 – (1) The program coordinator and DESEM Coordinator work in coordination in the execution of the training/certificate programs to be opened.

          Program Coordinator and Duties

          ARTICLE 13  (1) The Program Coordinator is the authority assigned by the DESEM Director to carry out the training/certificate program. According to the requirement, more than one coordinator can be assigned to the programs.

(2) The Program Coordinator plans all the operations related to the program from the beginning to the end, coordinates the courses and exams, deals with the problems of the participants and trainers and solves the problems that occur or may occur by cooperating with the DESEM Coordinator.

          Certificate of Participation and Certificate

          ARTICLE 14 (1) Participants who meet the attendance requirements of the programs according to the type and nature of the training/certificate program and who are successful as a result of the success evaluation are given a certificate of participation by the DEMEM Directorate to those who meet the attendance requirements but fail at the end of the success evaluation. If there is any legislative provision related to the program, the provision shall be applied.

(2) The principles of issuing participation certificates and certificates and, when necessary, the validity periods of the certificates shall be determined by the Board of Directors according to the characteristics of the program.

(3) The documents to be given in the programs carried out in cooperation are regulated by protocol/contract.

Loss of Document

          ARTICLE 15 – (1) In case of loss of participation certificate or certificate, a new certificate shall be issued by stating that it is the second copy provided that the situation is declared to DESEM with a petition.

          Responsibilities of Participants

          ARTICLE 16 – (1) Participants are deemed to have accepted all general and special conditions of the programs they have enrolled in. After the start of the training, no refund can be made to any participant without force majeure that will prevent participation in the training and the conditions listed in Article 18 (c).


          ARTICLE 17  (1) In the following cases, the participant’s relationship with the training/certificate program shall be terminated by the decision of the Board of Directors.


a) Cheating or attempting to cheat,

b) Taking actions and actions that will disrupt the functioning of the program,

c) Being convicted of a disgraceful crime during the program, etc.


Principles Regarding Financial Matters

          Training/Certificate Program Price and Discounts to be Applied

          ARTICLE 18 – (1) Prices of training/certificate programs and discounts to be made are as follows:

a) DESEM is recommended to the Board of Directors by the coordinator (s) preparing the program proposal, taking into account the prices of the programs, the solvency of the participants, the market conditions, the payments to be made to the trainers and the program expenses. Suggestions are evaluated by the Board of Directors and program prices are determined. The same applies to requests for increases or decreases in prices.

b) Payment terms are announced to the candidates in advance.

c) After enrolling in the program and starting the program, the participant who wants to leave will not be refunded. The participant is obliged to make the payment he/she has committed. However, IF there is an (unforeseen) situation that occurs outside the will of the participant, the articles of “Participants who want to cancel their registration from the institution must apply to the institution in writing” and “After the training starts, the cancellation of the contract will only be accepted if they encounter a health problem that cannot be trained, the committee report will be accepted by documenting the compulsory travel (work and education) and the reasons for the appointment, and the payment is refunded” specified in the “Program Registration Agreement” are applied. Compulsory travel (work and training) and reasons for appointment are not accepted in online training programs. Returns are subject to a 10% deduction from the program price.

d) The discounts to be made on the program price SHALL be decided by the Board of Directors.

e) The participant to whom the discount is applied can benefit from only one discount clause.

Additional Payments

          ARTICLE 19 – (1) It is made in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles to be Applied in the Distribution of the Additional Payment to be Made from Revenue of Revenue Capital in Higher Education Institutions.


Miscellaneous and Final Provisions


          ARTICLE 20 – (1) The copyrights of all course notes to be distributed to the participants in the training/certificate programs belong to the relevant trainers. Such course material and related instructors and DESEM may not be copied, reproduced and distributed without the permission of the Board of Directors and may not be used for any purpose other than the personal benefit of the participants.

          Issues Not Regulated in the Directive

          ARTICLE 21  (1) If there is no provision in the directive, the provisions of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and other legislation shall apply.

Entry into force

          ARTICLE 22 – (1) This Directive shall enter into force on the date of approval of Dokuz Eylül University Senate.


          ARTICLE 23 – (1) The provisions of this Directive shall be executed by the Rector.

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